Red Headed Stepchild-75 Swinger LSX Swap

Wow. From then to now Congratulations on a badass car
Thanks alot man I appreciate it. It's been alot of hard work and alot of hours but after my test drive last night on full boost and my first trans brake launch on this thing, I cant wait for the track tomorrow. I just hope the track is a little warmer, the Hoosiers are a little stickier and the traction is alot higher. If so it should be a hell of a pass.

Have to finish setting up my bump box tonight and do my last few checks ok n the cars before I load it on the trailer to head south tomorrow morning for Fayetteville, NC to run at the track and then sit back and let my family see the car for the first time and enjoy being back home for the first time in iver 8 months.