Old Mopar Guy, New to this Forum and Getting Back in the Game!

I have owned and restored a few Mopars, all 70's including a 1970 Duster which I did a full reno on (minus body and paint). I recently purchased a 1972 Demon and I am currently going through it. It is for the most part restored, however it was a show car so it has a lot of drive ability issues which I am in the process of sorting out. I have removed and replaced the interior, tuned the engine up etc., currently working on the front end. I ordered a new windshield gasket and stainless trim, once I have that installed I will be removing the decals to wet sand the car, buff, then replace the decals and ceramic coat the entire car.

I have been trolling this site for information so I thought it was time to join. When I restored my Duster I made one of these spare tire covers so this time I had a carpenter chick make me one. I do not run a spare so I find it does not collapse like the factory one, and it fits better. Feel free to copy. Jay

