Any Corvair Fans Here?

Girl I went out with wayyyyy back had a new '68 Monza Spyder 4 speed, don't remember if it had 2 or 4 carbs. Thing was cool to drive. Don't know what Ralph was so hot about. I never pushed it on an open highway, but around town thing would move along. The little redhead that owned it was pretty nice also. This summer at a cruise night there was a Corvair with a 350 small block in it.
Ralph didn't like the earlier swing axle cars. The 13" wheels didn't help the handling either. By '68 they had long gotten rid of that junk for a real independent rear suspension, and there were better tires. Too little too late, alas Ralphie had already done his damage. Plus, GM had the Camaro by then and the Corvair was sort of redundant.