Fusing between alternator and battery.

He added one. The "protection" is the OEM fuse link, and sometimes that is "no protection at all." I STILL remember the day I had been driving a beater loaner valiant from McCune Chrysler Plymouth in National City while they "fixed" my RR. One morning at the Miramar RADAR shop, went out and started it up. It was a cold morning.......even in San Diego, below freezing. The Chief came in with his "Columbo act" and says "uh, is the thing supposed to be squeeling and smoking?"

Went out the belt was burning on the pulley which was stopped. I shut it down and in trying to see what was going on, I moved the pulley. This caused the diode(s) which had FALLEN DOWN INSIDE to short. I got to sit there and watch the entire engine bay harness go PfffffffpfhfppfhfhzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzsssssssssssssssssssssssssssTTTTTTT!!!!! and smoke and THEN BLOW THE LINK Melted the entire harness before it blew the link