Stop in for a cup of coffee

The kids with no experience and knowledge is taking over the world.

I mean, I am not trying to bad mouth her, but someone who is 16 does not have the education of what is happening, and in her case, it is her mom and a friend of her mom who is running an environmental organization and obviously is feeding the girl the information she have. So, everything the girl is saying is second hand information, it is not her own research or knowledge. She is being used as a tool, a voice for the organization. And I think it is wrong to use a 16 year old for that. Because, she will be the one to face media, and other people around the world. She will be the one who has to defend her own words. No one will go after her mom or her moms friend or the organization that most people even don't know about.

That said, I am not against a cleaner world, I just think the whole thing is on a side track, what they should have focused on is to reduce the use of resources, then the environment would have benefited by itself. But no one wants to go back to repairing a tv, a computer, a car, a fridge or whatever. Just toss it. Things have been moved from having a lot of people working in the repair field, and over to production, and on the way a lot of people got out of a job. This just increase the tension in society, it is not longer a human right to provide for yourself, and this is food for those who want all the rich to take care of all the poor. A bad solution, but an understandable one considering the circumstances. Not going to say anything about American politics, but in general, no matter what country, the right side in politics usually push the line towards the left, and the left push it to the right. What I mean is that the right side in politics push their views to the right, but the result of this is that more and more people wants to go left and to the extreme left, and when the left side rules, they do the same, they push their agenda further to the left, making more and more people wanting to go right. And this is where the entire world is right now, the pendulum has been swinging more and more, and too much swinging is dangerous. People need to back off their pushing.

Well, that was my rant for the day. (I hope, lol)

The boats I work on also service offshore windmill farms. One is an oil spill from one.
Green can be so poluting.

