Last chance to stop me from buying the hype...

I agree. But for real data, Jpar at the least needs to get on a chassis dyno and make some pulls and then change the carbs out and see what he gets.

And if he wants to really fiddle, pull the engine and get it on a pump to see what it does with both sets of carbs.

Either way, that's the best way to evaluate this stuff.
The problem is that kind of tuning is not that crucial to me. I like reading my plugs and keeping an eye on my wideband O2 sensor to see if they jive.. there's a guy who advertises a chassis Dyno up the street here and I talked to him and it didn't seem like he wanted anything to do with my style of car. I think he just probably made good money with the tuner crowd and wanted to leave it at that.. I like to think in my mind that he thought my kind of car would damage his machine! LOL...