Last chance to stop me from buying the hype...

I think you will like the carb, I bought one when they first came out, they are a true set and forget carb.
I actually just bought another one to put on my Duster, I was having heat soak issues with the Holley that was on it.
Well I've tossed it back and forth and jumped it all around and I really don't want to miss out on the composite, but on the other hand I really don't feel I need it whatsoever. I never had a heat soak problem before and now I'm getting 2 Inch spacers to put the carbs protruding the Hood 2 in... they won't be sticking all the way out I don't think. I may have said so people can see them, but I really want "ME" to see them actually.... After all I'm the one I'm trying to impress.. lol..
I'm thinking if sticking out with the black attract more sunlight while it sits in the Sun?.. the noncomposite ones are so shiii-neeey... Also I think I've pretty much ruled out the 750s...