Installing new Autometer gauges

I have a full set of autometers in my 63. speedo, tach, fuel, oil pressure, temp, voltmeter I am not sure the wiring differences from 63 to 68. Get yourself a wiring diagram if you don't have one already.

Anyway, in my case, there is a tan 18g wire from the light switch to the fuse box under the dash. From there it is fused and goes to orange 18g which feeds the lights for the stock instrument cluster. I intercepted the tan wire before the fuse and fed all my gauges from there (with fuses). My stock instrument cluster is now gone, but I started first with the oil, temp and volt gauges (with the main cluster still in place) otherwise I would have probably picked up the wire right at the cluster.

The only thing stock in the cluster now is the ignition switch and headlight and wiper switches. All my gauge lights go on and dim with the main switch.