I have a 1967 coupe barracuda with a low serial number and shipped march 1966.

Not an actual run but to illustrate that the distribution of serial numbers was the next car down the line, the first 5 digits defined the car line (BH29D), even then I'm sure the actual production order may have varied.

100001 Valiant 2-dr
100002 Valiant 4-dr
100003 Valiant 4-dr
100004 Valiant 4-dr
100005 Valiant 4-dr
100006 Barracuda Fastback
100007 Valiant 4-dr
100008 Valiant 2-dr
100009 Barracuda Fastback
100010 Barracuda Coupe
100011 Barracuda Fastback
100012 Barracuda Convertible


Serial numbers have nothing to do with the order that the car was built on the production line...

Serial numbers are assigned to the car after the order has passed through edit and all sales codes are verified to make sure that there are no conflicts... The VIN number is the sequence that the cars pass through edit... After the order has passed through edit, it sits in a pool for a few weeks for it to be assigned an assembly line sequence number...

If there are any changes to the car after it passes through edit, it has to go back through edit and then loose it's place in line... It is then put back in the pool at the back of the line to be assigned a sequence number for the production line...

The assembly line sequence number is also listed on the build sheet and is the order that the cars go down the production line... Assembly line sequence numbers are usually in increments of 10's and end in zero... That way if they have to squeeze in a car or two or few between them they assign a vehicle assembly sequence number that is not zero.... That is because if they have to resequence one car, they don't have to reassign new sequence numbers to the ones after it.... They have the ability to squeeze in a few without having to go back and resequence all of the cars after that....