Alloy heads

Seems to me you started it, got called out on your bullshit (again) and don't like it much. I like debating very much, its good mental exercise.

What YOU should have said is YOU can't build an engine with the same CR on iron heads as aluminum. YOU can't do it so no one else can either. See below

My next build will be 12:1 on pump gas. Maybe 12.5:1 but I haven't had time to sort everything out yet. I expect the cranking numbers (which mean almost nothing) to be 200 plus. And it won't detonate.You're right it won't detonate 'cuz it'll never get built

I have no problem conceding that I do not approach enginebuilding the same way as you.

What I will say is this: I WON'T build an engine with the same CR regardless of the cylinder head material--that would be foolish. J.Rob