Porting DC Stage IV iron heads

Most of the ones I did were less than $3000.
Did they flow over 300cfm?
But at the time I was doing those things fairly regularly, I didn’t have the kind of time in my schedule to spend on any one set of heads to get that kind of number out of them.

Nor did I want to........ and I don’t like porting for free........ so, how much time I could spend on porting was dictated by what the final price of the heads would be.
A pretty nice set of 346/902/452 heads could be done and out the door for under 3g’s ready to install...... which was about the limit most users were willing to pay.
I did a few sets of 906’s that were a little more $$$ than that...... they just take longer to port...... but they did flow a little more, along with slightly better area under the curve.

But to your point about it being “fun”.
As you discovered....... like most things in life where you’re doing it to get paid...... even when you enjoy what you’re doing .......its still work.

How many sets like that would you really have wanted to do for $3500??

I had hoped that someday a set of your high effort ported iron heads would end up at my shop for one reason or another.
But I guess if the number of units in circulation is “zero”, the chances of that happening are mighty slim.