Ceiling mount heater

Tamaqua Pa. We go right to the mine with a Dump trailer about 20 minutes away. We had the Duster on the lift. Left it down to pull it front and you could barely touch the car. The digital thermometer read 124 degrees inside the car. The stove is over kill but my son wants to add another two story 32 foot on and put it in that part of the shop and blow heat over. You could actually put it outside and blow the heat in.

The three large stoves like this we have . One in my garage now came from a warehouse in Frostburg MD. the other two came from 4 story brick hotels. One the Northampton hotel the other the Bath hotel. The half size was in a big farmhouse basement. There is a guy in Towanda Pa. that has a large collection of them for parts on Craigslist. You can find them forsale for about $200 but then you have to take them out. The heaviest parts are the base and the top. about 200 lbs each. The one in my garage was the only one that was easy to get . we took the skid loader with forks and were able to drive into the ware house with some maneuvering,

The half size has a funny story. It was on craigs list and was already in the mans barn from the basement. The pictures looked like it was just like ours, So we took the skid loader. When we got there and he opened the door we started laughing. My son carried it out piece by piece by hand. Its a pretty cool little thing.

They also made desk tops exactly like ours that were only about 18 inches high. They were sales models and would burn rice coal. Ours burns nut coal. the house model burns Pea coal.

There was a desk top on craigs list in Virginia I was going to buy it for a conversation piece but that was when I got sick.
