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I am not much of a pistol shooter. But what I do know is I don't like the Glocks. And most of the guys I work with have them. I think because we are affiliated with the prison we get the blue label deal. Actually I am a revolver type of guy. But I have a Ruger 911 45 that I love to shoot. And my old 357 686 S&W I can hang with them. I just never liked Glocks and have seriously considered the SIG. Is it the P320 that you can interchange barrels? I think I would like one

I was never a gun fan, in fact I hated guns. I didn't want anything to do with them..

Until I went to work early one morning, it was still dark and a hobo came out of the alley as I was getting out of my car. He asked me for change and when i said i had nothing to give him, he became belligerent and backed me up against the building. I was trapped, and then a guy walking by ( another hobo lol) heard the guy yelling from a distance and he came to see what the commotion was about and he got the guy away from me so i could get out.

The cops said the belligerent guy is a mental case and was not likely to have hurt me but it scared me into getting a glock 23 (i think, it's the very small one)

I hope I never have to use it but I am not risking my life again. That guy was over 6 feet and I'm 4' 7", he could have killed me bare handed. So no way, I got heat now. Fits great in a garter belt holster and no one knows it's there under a skirt lol.