Stop in for a cup of coffee

Afternoon everyone.. Stitches are out! Of course I already bonked my toe and felt that through my whole body.

I rewired my grandmas Singer that I inherited. Hasnt worked in at least 20 years. Today it spun again! Still some more to do with it, but cool to have it going. Its a 1950 model.

I also talked to the bank about refinancing our house. You would think it would be cut and dry, but of course everything is now done electronically. Well they have half of our stuff wrong... I dont get what part of this is the amount I want to refinance, I dont want any equity out... blah blah blah.. They sent the paper work to me today.. Its all wrong.. So I will have some phone calls to them tomorrow. Not to mention, Im not happy with the branch I went to very ghetto.. I wonder if they would transfer the paperwork to a different branch???