1968 Plymouth Barracuda "Highwaymen Hero Car"

I found out they got one 340 (Hero Car) one 318 Stunt Car that later was Wrecked in Herbie Movie and one with no Drivetrain that was used in the end and the Rollover scene.

I still try to find the Rental company where the 340 came from and was later used for one Melcome in the Middle Episode and in the background from Crininal Minds.
I only know the Company was in the states and they maintaned by guys in canada. Movie was shot in Canada, Ontario and parts of the mid west in the states.

Melcolm in the Middle, Season 6, Episode 9 (Malcolm's Car)

Criminal Minds, Seasion 2, Episode 15 (Revelations)

This is the 318 Stunt Car that was Wrecked in Herbie: Fully Loaded from 2005. The Cadillac the use in Highwaymen was in there too.