Buy new or use what I have

I'd have been drivin down the road already. Three times. LOL

Soon my friend!

Ya ain’t lyin! I’d also be on to the next issue. This should have been done and driving by now. The bearing cleaning advice was good. I’ve only used brake cleaner to get my bearings cleaned up. Repack them in grease Immediately and install! Boom baby! Next!
This is it even a days work.
If you can check the discs for being out of round or flat, use them as is and start driving. The worst care is you take them off for new parts. Not even a half days work.

My old body doesn't get things done in 1/2 day heck even a full day is pushing it.

I mean its 1030 right now and I'm still in my pj's holding my 3 month old baby so this rate I'll be driving christmas