Subjects Not Taught in School Any Longer

According to Reader's Digest Article:

Home Economics
Roman Numerals
Research Papers
Life Skills

9 School Subjects You Took That Your Kids Won't
Well, that’s not true everywhere. In our public school district that my daughter attends, it goes like this...

Typing - taught in computer class, not separately
Cursive - taught in 5th grade
Home Economics - taught in life skills class including, budgeting, banking, fiscal planning and business
Shop - it’s an elective and can be as extensive as half days at the technical school learning wood working, carpentry, mechanics and fabricating.
Roman numerals - taught as part of History, not math
Research papers - taught in math, science and history as major part of grades
Life skills - see above.

Just because the way things are taught today are different doesn't mean the students aren’t getting all the skills, they just get them in a different way.

The modern World isn’t the one we grew up in nor was the World we grew up in the same as our parents. The leap in technology was far less between us and our parents than it is now between us and our kids.

Things must, and always do, change.