Should I change my cam?!

Well I once put a 340 cam into a 69 318, together with the rest of the 340 topend;does that count?
And another time I put the samejunk on a smogger teen, does that count?
I've done all kinds of weird stuff since the late 60s, cuz as broke-azz kids,that was all we had.
A guy only has to put the same junk together once or maybe twice, to know not to do it again.
OP's gonna find out pretty quick, and he's likely gonna put one of us on ignore. I learned the hard way too.
When I really started learning, I was doing Dcrs long-hand with a hand-held calculator.Cuz I was sure a 9.1 engine was sucked out before I even put the performance cam into it. And when I started recommending 11/1Scr and more, I got the stink-eye. Now everybody builds 11/1,... and higher. But I run mine on skunk-piss 87E10, with full-timing, with street gears and a clutch...... because my calculator said it would work...... and it did. I'm not afraid to trychit,even backing up and trying again; but I ain't interested in going backwards.