Gee, What does "Johnny on the Spot" mean?

When I was a kid in grammar school (mid-'50s), our 2nd grade teacher remarked that if someone did a certain thing (can't remember now just what)...... They would find themselves 'up the creek without a paddle'.

Well I thought about that for a moment and it just didn't make sense to me, so I raised my hand and asked her...... 'Why would that be a problem? If they want to be up the creek, they are already there. And if they want to be down the creek, all they need to do is float downstream.'

Yep...... I was that kid. She thought about it a couple of seconds and then she came over to my desk and whacked my knuckles with the yard stick she carried with her in case she saw anyone talking in class or writing with their left hand. Told me not to be a smart arse. :)

Thanks for the memories,
