727 clutch pack clearance

The main question is the clearance
on the front clutch pack. This is an unknown big block RV trans. The FSM calls for .082-.151. The original pack clearance measures in at .045..?.. BTW the original frictions look really good, wish I hadn't opened this unit up, eh too late now. The new frictions are thinner than the original (.062 vs. orig. .096). The same number (3) of the new, have a clearance of .140, if I sneak another friction and steel in it's .013 clearance. The manual "says" you can get thinner retaining snap rings to adjust the clearance. With the original clearance being so far from the FSM I'm a little unsure.
One more detail, the thickness of the original frictions in the rear clutch are the same as in the rebuild kit (.062) whereas like I described above, the original frictions in the front clutch are .092. The kit has all at .062...

1. Just reinstall the originals.
2. Leave the new larger clearance. (.140)
3. Chase down a thinner retaining ring to get back to the original .045 clearance and have 4 frictions.