Should I change my cam?!

Hey AJ, no offense or disrespect, but it's not the information, but how it's presented. It's obvious that you're experienced and very knowledgeable. And I don't think people question that.

It's the forever long response that you tend to post, and what some may perceive to be an arrogant "know it all" under tone.

Maybe try and presenting your knowledge in a different, and simpler format. Instead of an essay full of calculations, maybe trim it down to a simpler "I think that cam will bleed off to much cylinder pressure" type answer. I believe it will be better received.

Like I said, just an observation. No insult intended.

The thing is, that your asking him to be someone else, and he will never be that person.
I have never felt that his post were Arrogant.
Some time i have had to read his post several time, to understand the hole story.
But i like it better then someone how is tired of give out a answer. And give the short small, to big, run it.

I'm not poking at you vntned, nor am i trying to speak for AJ
Just my observation.