Subjects Not Taught in School Any Longer

Simon & Garfunkel
When I think back on all the crap I learned in high school
It's a wonder I can think at all
And though my lack of education hasn't hurt me none
I can read the writing on the wall

Half the stuff that i was taught in school never had any real world significance to begin with.
The Simon & Garfunkel song lyrics hold true.
I agree 100%

IMO, the curriculum was heavily padded with junk courses so that it would have to take 12 friggen years to go thru it all.
IMO, everything we needed to to know to more than survive in the real world, could have been accomplished by the end of the Eighth grade. The rest was either all fluff, or could easily have been absorbed by an 8th grader.
IMO, those last 4 grades were nothing more than baby-sitting.
None of us wanted to be there past grade nine, and we proved it in every way possible. Most of us had about 50% freetime and guess what we were doing; yeah, getting into trouble. They called us difficult, but we had nearly straight A's. We were out in the cemetery next door, trying our best to figure out where babies come from, and by grade ten, a lot of girls had mysteriously "dropped out and or moved away". And we raced our cars up and down the streets like they were race-tracks. And most of us by grade 10 or 11 were on our second or third part-time jobs, looking for more gas money,tire money, or broke transmission money. By grade 12, I had blown up 3 transmissions 2 engines, one 8.75 rear chunk, wore out a posi, and crashed multiple times; that's what we were learning.
As for history, we didn't care. We learned enough to pass, then promptly swept it out. Same for English literature. Same for everything except Algebra and Trig. The rest was uselesschit and we all "knew it" . To this day, the only thing I have needed past grade 8 is Algebra and Trig
Those last four years shoudda been filled with lifeskills. Like how to be a good husband and father. Never mind chasing the almighty dollar. Never mind the stupid SaT tests, that proved absolutely AJ should go into such and such a field. Horse-pucky. We couldda fudged the answers to be God if He had been on the list. Speaking of which, that's something they shouldda taught . Instead we got evolution,ball-earth, billions of years, there was no flood and the stars are billions of light-years away. From goo to the zoo, to you, total indoctrination.
But now I digress
Budgeting, saving, changing diapers,how to put on a condom yourself.How to stay out of bars, know your limit, don't take the bargirls home. When to bite your tongue wouldda been good. How to not push Daddy's buttons, another great lifeskill. What it means to come home late,late,very late at night, to find your suitcase packed and sitting outside the locked front door. Yeah, that's Dad's way of saying get tfo boy, and don't come home no more.
Instead we read Shakespeare and wrote a summary; whoopee! Yeah that learned me something alrightee, namely how to waste my time.
Four years of wasted time.
I didn't go to college like all my DA friends did. Some of them found out real quick that the things they were studying for, those jobs were never gonna be there when they graduated, and now they were in hock for 2 or 3 years of student loans. Some graduated and waited around for their SAT promised futures. Dutifully campaigning for two years and finally succumbing to flipping burgers.
But I was ahead of the game, having settled into something that fell into my lap. No, I was never gonna be rich, but as I would come to find out over 4 decades later; I was never unemployed. And I never had 7 years of student loans to repay either.
To be fair, one of our clique graduated Agriculture, and is a fat Farmer now with 4 fat farmer sons. Not fat-fat but fat-cat rich fat. God has blessed him beyond measure.
That is what we shouldda learned; how to trust an invisible being that never speaks, never touches us, never do we know where He is; until we sit down,take a break,and look back into our own personal history. Badaboom!
Wait; I think I got a lil offtrack again,lol.
That's Ok probably only a couple of you read this far.