Subjects Not Taught in School Any Longer

To be fair, these things should be taught by parents and not schools.

Exactly so! I was going to say a LOT of things mentioned here should be included in what used to be known as HOME TRAINING. THAT RIGHT THERE is a big part of the problem. Nowadays, parents are so flaked out on the internet and everything else, they rely on others to raise their children. That's not the school systems job, yet it has become so. When my son was going to school and I was called for some trouble he was in, I NEVER ONCE automatically took his side on anything, yet, I saw other parents having the attitude their child would never do anything wrong, and everything was the school's/teachers' faults. Ridiculous! Without fail, every single time he got in trouble, it always boiled down to being my son's fault. The faculty loved me because they knew I would never jump to conclusions and act like my child never did any wrong. The family unit today is but a shadow of what it once was.