71 Dart 410 stroker ..

It is hell getting old...lol
Todays goal was to get 4 set of rings filed since I hate doing them...and knock 4 pistons into bore....Odd side...
Working slowly I go thru process of filing rings....got my Proform electric ring filer...buzzing away.....get those done...
Clean the pistons...clean the bores again....light coat of oil on walls...start knocking pistons into holes...everything going smooth...
All done....then I see on the work bench...top and 2nd ring setting there....oh ****....I had marked the rings with a sharpie...so i knew what bore they were measured in....well...I was wondering why no 7 piston went so smoothly.....out it comes ...yeah...no compression rings on it...had oil rings...time to call it a day...
Finish the other 4 tomorrow....daughter will be there to help...