Speedmaster Small block porting tips and results Part 1

It’s his thread...... and he’s doing it how he wants.
So, it just makes sense he comes up with the time estimate for how long it takes him to do the job he’s outlining in this thread.
(If he feels like it of course)

Also, he’s gotten more flow out of that style of head than I have....... by a fair amount.

I’ve done several sets that made nice power and went pretty good in the cars they were in...... but the flow wasn’t anything special.

The Ede’s are pretty painless to get into that 270cfm range...... and they’ll make over 550hp like that on a bracket race engine.

My current pecking order(based in large part on current costs) for this type of head, if I were going to put them on something (based on a 4” or longer crank)......
500hp or less -unported heads with good valve job and bowls blended
500-550hp-cnc ported with good valve job
550hp plus- TF heads

It’s mostly based on economics. At those hp levels, the next better head just makes more economic sense if one is paying for it, as opposed to doing it for them self.

As far as time not including flowbench time I’m going to say 30 minutes so far removing the shortside ridge, roughing in the 30 and 15 degree seat angle, sanding roll the intake port, and opening up the pinch to 1.015 from .930 and blending the radius. I’m a slow Head porter and hardly ever use a single aluminum burr. I would rather use a double cut burr, dip in Transmission fluid, and run my burr slower. It took me longer to open the pinch to 1.015 as it was more aimed towards a safe number for home porters. I would usually just sleeve it and open it up till I kiss the tubing. No measuring needed that way.