Weight loss and perseverance

I had another epiphany this evening.

I disregarded caloric control for the past 2 days and ate more than even caloric balance yet I still lost weight. Why?

I believe it is for the same reason a fat body fights against sudden caloric reduction and conserves fat. My body has been slowly conditioned over 27 months to accept a small caloric reduction each day and decreased weight as “normal” and now it fights back against any sudden increase of calories toward weight gain...just as a fat body would fight against a sudden decrease in calories for weight loss.

In both cases, the body fights to stay where it is and rejects sudden changes to push it off center.

What that tells me is that what I have been doing with long persistent small calorie reduction is actually retraining my body to a new normal way of being that it will fight to maintain. That means “sustainable”.

It also tells me that once I reach my goal, I will have to slowly retrain my body to stay there and not try to continue to lose weight. It may mean slightly increasing calories for a while above equal balance, and then back again to even balance so that it gets comfortable at stasis.

I’m learning new things and gaining new understanding at every step on this journey. The biggest one I realized today is that the body is a stubborn SOB that just wants to stay right where it is.

The only way to move it permanently is with slow steady pressure until it finds itself in a new place and gets comfortable there.