Public apology

While we're on the topic of people being too sensitive these days(which is completely true), with the advent of the internet we also now have the "keyboard commando". I am in no way implying that this is what Rani did, but it is true that people act like assholes on the internet. We all know this.
Ive never met Rani and I didn't watch the video. I did buy a part from her on fabo several years ago and the deal went off without a hitch so I have nothing negative to say about her.
I am just making the observation that people on the internet say things that they don't have the balls to say in person and its a shame.
As a kid, I played outside and had rock fights and BB gun wars and told dirty jokes like the rest of us. And, I am also very disappointed with the sheltered, overly sensitive types we have today but the internet asshole is to blame as well, in my humble opinion.
There are a couple of dudes on one of the Mopar sites that seem to want to use the word "nigger" in all their posts. I don't think Im being overly sensitive or snowflaky when I say I don't need to hear that when I come on a car site.
I guess my point is that there is a difference between having a thick skin and just being nasty when you know you wont have to deal with any repercussions. A chicken **** move in my book.
Also, I always respect anyone who will stand up for their beliefs when they know their ideas may be unpopular or they will catch **** for it.
Just my two cents, rant off.......