Public apology

Thanks for "thinking" Im a decent person Bob, Ill let your spelling and age/IQ comment slide.
I will use your other portion(my avatar) of your comment as an example. This is for explanatory reasons so dont get offended(again lol):poke:
Here goes, might be longwinded, boring, rambling.
My avatar? Why change it? Does it offend you? If so, did your Dad raise a pussy? Are you a snowflake? I am not showing prejudice towards any race, or any gender or on anyone based on their sexual preferences. Im not supporting or showing support for ISIS or any terrorist group, any specific religion or political party?

What I had issue with in the deleted thread was the bashing of LGBQT. Some of the comments were funny, some were mean and for the most part the mean ones(the ones I thought anyway) were posted with religious tones.
Some of the worst atrocities have been committed by Religous sects....Canadian Indian residential schools, Catholic Priests raping children and the coverup, Vatican and Nazis($$). Not all obviously but A LOT. So I dont need a "book" telling me who is "good" or who is "bad". My parents and grandparents and family taught me right from wrong and how to treat people.
I see scripture on here and wonder why? You need to reiterate what YOU read and what YOU believe?
If I find myself "straying" I will always default to my parents, how I was raised and what THEY taught me. NOT what is simply written in a book. And I went to Sunday school as a kid.
I also built forts, rock fights, took swimming lessons, played hockey, football, used the "n" word and was down right mean to people at times. A group of us lit our dump on fire(not on purpose lol) Spent more than 1 night in the drunk tank. I was a "normal" kid lol. But I also know that I shouldnt have done some of what I did. I learned how to treat people.
Why the term "God fearing Christian"? Where did that originate? Why do you have to fear her/him/it?
My Uncle who I love dearly is a very devout religious person. We share laughs and coffee, both love sports and cars. I understand that religion "works" for him and thats fine with me.

When you base YOUR hatred for someone/group on a religion or a book, maybe that hatred should be kept bottled up, OR question the source?
As someone posted here, the biggest haters APPEAR to be religious and the ones doing all the condemning.
As I said with regards to the deleted thread, the religious/condemning comments is why I chose to voice my opinion.
We have members that are LGBQT, OR their children are LGBQT. From what I have seen of their posts/threads there is NO hatred/condemning.

This is my explanation, hope it didnt offend too many of you lol.
Bob, out of respect for my Dad(RIP) I will change my avatar, not because it offended you, but Ill change it.......soon.
You need to change ur avatar ----------we cant figure out iif tis ur age or I.Q. ?

Always thot u were a decent person before --------------