71 plymouth duster part out

this is why we must add prices...
ok, well, since i am ":disrespecting this site", but, plainly stating in the ad "inbox me for needs, prices, or contact" ...and people NOT doing so, and just posting on my thread is NOT being "disrespectful", here are the prices you asked for....
complete drum to drum 8 3/4 rear end $1000
schumacher mounts.. sold
K-frames $100 w/o sway bar $150 with sway bar
steering box $75
grilles are $150 each
seats $150 front
$100 rear
valances under grille, have 2, $75 each
all prices are plus shipping.
no, i do not eat shipping. no i will not cut a price in half to help you because shipping is expensive on long/lkarge items, not my fault,, sorry.
now, anything else, please PM for prices and/or further contact. thank you