Public apology

My funny religion story. OK so it is not that funny.
About 10 years ago I sold a place and moved a couple counties over After a few months, maybe a few years, a Baptist minister from the small town up the road dropped in to invite us to his church. We visited for a while, then my basic personality appeared an I had to ask this question: " Why and how is it, that lets say, the Baptists are right and the Methodists are wrong. Or you could ask, why are the Christian are right, and the Budists wrong?" Whatever.
He just looks me in the eye and states " He has some very good friends that are Methodists but, THEY ARE WRONG!"
Far as I know and really not concerned, but the only difference between the Baptist and Methodist is that one group baptizes and the other sprinkles!
I just found it all pretty musing!