Speedmaster Small block porting tips and results Part 1

I don’t see it like this at all. This is the kind of info you will not get from any head porter that does this for a living, ever. Those pros, experts, the top people ain’t giving anything up, at least beyond a certain point....and showing pictures? Not happening. Totally understandable. Everyone gets that. That’d be insane. So you go and get books if you want to give it a shot but they don’t usually cover the particular heads you’re working on, you surely can’t ask questions. Someone’s laying out things regarding these heads here the best way they know how, that’s invaluable. How it can be construed as chest thumping or attention seeking or whatever..... nah, just somebody willing to help out. Take notes, save the pictures, ask questions and follow along. Good thread I hope doesn’t go off the rails and into the ravine in a ball of fire:steering:

and once more time for the fifth or sixth time I guess yes I've been learning stuff from this but like you said the big secrets aren't getting let out... I just say what's on my mind and that just turns it into a big Fiasco so I'll just watch and let you guys learn... If I don't have to come defend myself again... I've learned so far if you don't have all this knowledge all this crying ability you might as well just pay for the trick flow heads and not give it to somebody to charge you the makeup cost I'm doing speed Masters.... May I go get a better valve job one day and toiling them a little myself sure but take it to this level not likely...