Public apology

Plane an simple, Your post was an attack on Rani...

Not in the least, nor was it any more derogatory or demeaning than labeling one of our male members Ellen Degeneres on a message board with thousands of enthusiasts and hundreds of surfers every day.

I merely put the stiletto on the other foot and pointed out how it wasn't very nice.

* * *

Rainy has already apologized and all is right with the world again. I too -- like a lot of you have admitted about yourselves in this thread and shown over the years -- am never less than honest, "call a spade a spade" as my dad would say, and am willing to back up what I believe in. I just own up to things and didn't want to leave Rainy's question unanswered and have her find out from others.

I also admit Lucille was a very poor example on my part and apologize. The vision in my head at the time was of her character from her old television show rather than the gracious lady and fine actress she was in real life.

Speaking of dad, he didn't use Hot Wheels track. We got to pick from three "Weapons of Destruction": his belt, a paint stick or our choice of branches from the weeping willow tree in the backyard. I have him to thank for many things, most especially that blatant honesty and integrity because "it's what you do when no one's looking that counts."