Buying quality parts becoming impossible.

Chinese, Japanese, Twain, Korea, Indonesia, Mexico, India or even Spain.
We ***** like hell about paying too much and companies make more profits going over seas with Union free workers with no health care, un-safe working environments, low pay and unlimited hours or work or get fired.
But why? Unions.... Unions are great IF you are in the Union but why? a guy installing a piston and less than
a high school education did not need to make $25.00 an hour plus bennies. Thank you Unions.
Plus for every union is a whole group of people who actually don't work the floor but need top dollar and bennies.
Thank you Union workers for making sure the union negotiator who works a few hours every year makes more than they do just so they get a paid day off every 30 days or making sure if a worker is done with a job, he had better not pick up a broom and sweep because a brother union worker has a job... sweeping for full pay.
How about CEO's of the same company, non- union making $100 million dollars plus a year. Why? because he figured out how to shave 1/10th of a cent off the cost of making a product by sending that product to China ( or any where listed above) and closing a plant here in the US?
Etc, Etc, Etc. Now lets look at the real cost of items- inflation. ( not really described here as i am on a rant... sorry)
Your new car cost say $35,000.00
After retirement and healthcare GM ( for example)spends $14,000 per vehicle sticker cost from those two alone.
Let alone factory repairs and upgrades, OSHA compliance and insurance cost. Your new $35k vehicle real cost is about $12k- Added in is R&D, cars sent for insurance testing. Etc.
By why so high- because the American dollar is worth $.30
Who wants to rebuild a wheel cylinder for $8.00 when we can buy a new one complete for $8.00 by China who also subsidies
their companies to give worker... work.
Not only can we not compete with that philosophy, but we cannot with our inflation, factory demands and costs and its a wonder we make anything in the good ole USA to begin with.

Crap- I did it again... Off soap box- again.