Buying quality parts becoming impossible.

It's all because nobody gives a **** about the customer anymore. Once they have your money, that's all they care about. I've seen the store manager at the store I worked for refuse perfectly good warranty claims "just because" he wanted to. Even after the customer calls the corporate number, they still don't win. Companies set goals, then do whatever it takes to get there, whether it's refusing warranty, getting rid of higher paid employees, reducing benefits, whatever it takes. All that matters to them is the monthly numbers. They don't give not one single **** about anything else.

Makes me wonder just how much profit O Reilly's and all the other make? I go in there today for 4 small hose clamps 2 clamps per package @ $ 2.75 per package , the total of 4 clamps costs me like$ 5.25! plus tax. I go down to the local large lumber/hardware store, better clamps were like $.70 ea, that is $2.80 plus tax. HA I am sure the NON auto parts store made a very fair profit on their clamps. O really will gets get theirs back. Amazing.
The we get home a figure we need another heat lamp and 2 heat bulbs, we run to the small town parts/hardware store up the road, NOT the one were at a couple hours ago in the real town.. The bill is $58 including a $2 service charge because I used the debit card. That sale any where should have added up to about $35 plus tax. Friggin amazing. Rant over! Suppers ready!
I am done poke with a fork!