Buying quality parts becoming impossible.

It's all because nobody gives a **** about the customer anymore. Once they have your money, that's all they care about. I've seen the store manager at the store I worked for refuse perfectly good warranty claims "just because" he wanted to. Even after the customer calls the corporate number, they still don't win. Companies set goals, then do whatever it takes to get there, whether it's refusing warranty, getting rid of higher paid employees, reducing benefits, whatever it takes. All that matters to them is the monthly numbers. They don't give not one single **** about anything else.

I was at Napa awhile back and this woman comes in with a steering column harness and wants her money back because it didn't fit.
It was cut in half in the center and some of the wires stripped back and they asked her about returning a cut in half harness.
She said she didn't know anything about it and that her husband just asked her to return it.
They refunded it, and I couldn't believe it.