ET'S with ported J/or other iron heads SB

IQ52 is another that can do it.
AndyF is another.

Like I've said before, I've spent my time at dragstrips, motocross tracks and circle races. It holds nothing for me. It has to be something really special to make me go.

As for my next project, that's in line to get done, but I doubt it will be done and on the dyno in 2020. I'm behind on two other engines, both for ends and FABO members. They come first. I also have to see how it goes for my mom. She is doing very well, but she has her first appointment with her heart doc on the 10th. We will see what he says, and I know they won't make a decision until April about the rest of what they wanted to do.

In early spring they'll be putting a roof on the house and I damned sure want to see what they are doing, even though the roof has to be inspected before it gets paid. It was inspected when it was new the first time and passed, but it wasn't right.

I also have to either get the shop time or be there so I can document what's happening. I plan on spending quite a bit of time just on the flow bench. I just can't walk up and use it. I can't bump someone else to flow my junk. Then I need to convert the intake to a 4500 flange and then flow it.

So it's a long term deal. I still need to work out valve sizes and see what I can use for a valve job. Then I need to discuss cam timing and compression ratio and work that out.

It will happen. But it will happen on my schedule. Plus, I've got my distributor machine up and running and I'm way behind on work for that. Plus I bought a new tune up tool to use with the distributor machine and alone by itself, so I've got to teach myself that tool.

I'm going to be busy. The house needs painting too. 10 years ago painting the house almost put me in the hospital.

And...I've got a couple of carb tune ups to finish. Maybe one of them will post his results on FABO. And he most likely will if my tune up eats crap.
That was your time schedule that you gave about February not mine..
Are you going to have any good parts here in a few weeks for sale?..