Need a quick what’s it worth WIW - 340 motor mounts

The mounts you have pictured are not a pair for a 340 A-body. Better identify them correctly or you will giving someone their money back. I am not going to tell you what they fit or worth because you will really get aggravated.

You bought something that won't work for you. Don't try and scam someone on here . I just made you aware you don't know what you have. Seams to me your looking for a offer on this site.

Put them on craigs list and take what ever you get that is close to what you paid. There are times you just have to take it on the chin when you make a mistake.

If you actually read my first post you’d realize I’m not offering them to anyone on this site, and no I didn’t just buy them for anything. And I haven’t made any ‘mistakes’. I acquired these in a lot of parts I received a long time ago, they look super similar to a set I had on my 69 swinger 340 AND I’m selling them to a person in my local community and am looking for a fair price for both parties. So if you don’t have anything of value to contribute perhaps you should just not say anything at all.

To be clear to everyone - a have a pair of stupid mounts, they are for a small block 340, I didn’t buy the for something and find that aren’t going to work for me, I just want to sell them and want to be fair to both parties. Rusty, the reason I made my comments is because of your ‘you’re not gonna rich’ comments. I’m not ripping anyone off, so if anyone else feels like they want to chime in to give me what for please don’t.

I’m basing the fact that these are 340 mounts base on the following pictures and the fact that I’m sure I had this very set in my 69 swinger 340 car.

I’m aware you can make just about anything work with 70 washers as shims, but for people who like the proper part, which aren’t re-produced, here they are, have a good look, but, No they are not for sale to you as they are spoken for.


You’ll notice mine (below) is the same. What you’re also not seeing is the metal k-member side and insulator. These are totally complete and in excellent shape, although dirty.

