Refurbish 67 273 Exhaust Manifolds

Now that they are hanging I have to clean them for paint without touching them. I cannot wipe them as it will leave fiber and residue. My method is to use my detail gun and wash everything down with Laqeur thinner until it run off the items, usually taking a black color off the items. paint1.JPG This is the paint I used, I choose not to use any primer as I will explain later. I did follow the directions as much as they fit into my own program. PaintA.JPG I sprayed a couple tack coats waiting about 20 minutes between coats. paint2.JPG I sprayed out one can of the paint but I bought two to be sure. I think the third coat was heavy-wait 10 minutes and finish out the can. paint3.JPG The parts are all now painted, it was new years eve day and I let them hang until Thursday morning when I gathered them and installed them on the car. paint4.JPG To this point things are looking pretty good.