Lost A Good Cat Today

The cycle of life.

Happens to all of us.

Still sucks to lose a friend.

For those that "can't bear to have another pet because they too, will eventually "shuffle off...".

Remember that domesticated cats (and dogs) are massively overpopulated due to human greed, arrogance, and ignorance.

Adopting a shelter (or animal control) pet is literally saving their life. Quite literally in the case of animal control.
Those animals captured by or surrendered to your local animal control usually have 30 days before they are euthanized en mass.
I live in a relatively rural county and have been involved several times with various feral cat organizations.
The latest figures I am aware of is that our animal control (County Sheriff) puts down 17,000 cats and 10,000 dogs every year.
Again, that's just one county.

I have to actually force myself to try not to think about that all day every day or I run the risk of depression setting in.

A new pet will never replace a lost pet, but will help to fill the void, and if you don't buy from a puppy or kitty mill (or even a registered breeder), you will be saving a life and contributing to the solution rather than the problem.

...and get them "fixed".