170 ignition parts info needed

Point type ignitions work extremely well and are very reliable if they are taken good care of and maintained properly. You need to be very careful too, "what" parts you get, because "not everything" is an upgrade. If I was dead set on "upgrading" to electronic ignition, I would buy a good used distributor. Also, the Mopar orange box is no longer recommended, because they are now very low quality. What I recommend there is, go to EBay and pick up a Standard Ignition LX101. They are much better quality, especially the older NOS models. But the new ones are still better than the orange boxes.

All that said, the most economical is always fixing what you "have". Nothing wrong with point type ignitions. They work fine and rival any electronic ignition properly when they are in good condition.

One more thing I want to come back and add......keep this in mind. You could teach your son the almost "lost art" of setting up a points type distributor. If you don't know how yourself, yall two could learn together. That way, instead of just throwing parts at something, you have now learned how something works and how to properly adjust and maintain a point type ignition. Lots of good memories to be made there. Just a thought.