Weight loss and perseverance

A question about this weight loss journey came to my mind.

How are you able to determine weight loss in 1 lb increments with any certainty? Even weighing myself every morning with seemingly all other variables accounted for, my weight could fluctuate 1-3 lbs. What's your method?
My weight bounces around like that too. So I use moving averages. I only record my weight once per week as measured on Sunday morning before I get dressed. Then I only officially claim my end of month weight using the measurement taken on the last Sunday of the month.

Month to month variation evens out over time so the trend line becomes apparent like on this graph.


I also weigh myself every morning just to remind me to stay on plan and can tell what the trend is by noting the minimum and maximum weight I see over a few days and use the average between the two to observe small changes like a pound.