Speedmaster Small block porting tips and results Part 1

Low lift flow isnt everything just as much as high lift flow isnt everything. It's all important. Getting the most air you can in with the window of lift and time you cam for is the object. Which brings us back to not everything is max effort, hence why the higher low lift compensates for the lack of cam/rpm.
I don't think he needs a 50° seat to get the numbers he's looking for. That's all I have to say about it till you dig out your econo heads and test those seat angles out on'em and report back with stellar results...then maybe I'll go back to work on those j's and see if 290cfm decides to rear its head in the other 7cyl. One port is special sometimes...strangest thing.

LOL. Yep. One port can be golden and you can't get the rest happy. Core shift, internal materiel loss...who knows.

I'm hoping by spring I can get some time on the flow bench. I may not publically post everything I find, but I may PM the results.

Some things don't need to be public, but I'd share with members of this forum privately for sure.