Anyone employed as package handler for Fedex or a CCA with the USPS?

I worked for the Post Office after I left the Army.
I was a city carrier and a regular.
A CCA is a City Carrier Assistant. We used to call them Casuals or PTF's (part time flexible) except a CCA is less than that. CCA's aren't office specific. They can be called to any post office and put on any route. Then told to finish in 8 hours or less.
Being a CCA is next to being a slave. You do a route, you come back in and think you're going home, Nope, they can dump another 2 hours on you for another strange route.
CCA's were never guaranteed any hours. They're told that they are on call. Basically, hope you get called in for work or told the night before that you work the next day. Don't try to plan anything. During Xmas and political season, they won't get a break. CCA's don't get vacation time like normal jobs. They get a week long break at week 52 of their employment. Which brings me to that little gem. If a post master or supervisor decides they don't like you, for any reason, they don't have to bring you back after your break. In your first 90 days, you can be fired for any reason at all. The union is powerless to do anything for CCA's. I've seen CCA's get fired for stupid ****. One kid had the gall to be a Steelers fan, he had a bumper sticker on the back of his car, so he was fired. The Supervisor laughed about it. Speaking of supervisors, postal supervisors are the worst humans on earth. Don't believe me, ask @inkjunkie . Ever wonder why postal shooting were always in house? There's a reason for it. Not saying its right, just saying I understand.
Working for the post office takes thick skin. If you can be made a regular, you're good to go. But the stories about being converted quick are just stories.
I still have friends who are carrying, they told me that CCA's were getting 60-70 hours a week during Xmas, but are lucky to get 30 hours right now.

I'm not telling anyone not to look for a Postal job, just that not to be surprised that it isn't a pleasant place to work.