Lost A Good Cat Today

Hot dog! And right there in the kitchen, too. Bout like me! You remind me of me too......not bein able to push away from the table. lol I think we have the same love of all things FOOD! LOL

:thumbsup: Like the Good Book says Rusty, 'man doth not live by bread only'...... Sometimes ya gotta have a bowl of homemade chili or some Louisiana dirty rice and gator tail gumbo to go with it!

Actually, I eat less than most folks. Several doctors over the years have told me they think I am a Neanderthal throwback. Started working after school, weekends and summers at a wrecking yard breaking up frozen engine blocks with a sledge hammer when I was 14 and left home for the Marine Corps right after high school. Then worked heavy construction and drove moving vans until I went back in the service (Navy, that time) and then back to construction. Just ended up built like a 380 lb. fireplug. Can't help it. That's just the way I am.

Best regards,
