Weight loss and perseverance

Great story Dave and thanks for keeping us updated with your progress!

My situation is a bit different than yours in that I have a lot less weight to lose before I too reach my goal of 185 lbs (the fit weight of my 20s). My heaviest weight was 231 lbs and I weighed 195 this morning. My focus has been on becoming metabolically healthy and curing myself of diabetes. I've learned that the types of calories you eat (and when) is probably more important than the amount and I've switched to a low-carb, high-fat diet to keep my insulin levels as low and steady as possible. I don't count calories but instead eat when I'm hungry and don't when I'm not. See Weight Loss.

I started using a FreeStyle Libre continuous glucometer in November and it has been an eye-opener with how my blood sugar responds to meals. I now have no trouble keeping my blood sugar in the healthy range of 3.9-6.9 mmol/L (70-124 mg/dL) and my average glucose for the past 7 days is 5.1 mmol/L (92 mg/dL). This is with me no longer taking Januvia and Rosuvastatin and I will stop taking Forxiga/Farxiga next week.

While I see that you understand ketogenic diets, I would suggest that you not discount the effect of hormones (particularly insulin and glucagon) on weight loss and overall health. The following video explains why there is more to weight loss than counting calories.