Craigslist no-shows....

Mini rant.

I'm pretty cautious selling my personal stuff on the forum, with my business connections, but every once in a while I throw something on CL to try and thin my parts pile.

So from my B body powertour build, I have several sets of bucket seats, disc brakes ,rear drum brakes etc.

Guy emails me from his work email, seems friendly enough. Wants all of it. We eventually have a phone call. Exchange texts. I tell him I have to literally go out in the rain in 40 degree weather to pull the brakes, so I confirm he 100% is coming, and wants them. We BS some mopars, all seems well. So today was supposed to be his pickup day. Even talked last night to confirm.

Come 4pm show. Send text. Call. Call again. Now 7pm. My call goes.right to VM.

Ya know, ya hope nothing happened of a serious nature. I try to be friendly and give ppl the benefit of the doubt. Just burns my chops!

I'm sure it's happened to all of us.

Life goes on. Whining over!

Oh and what kinda disc brakes you got?

Not trying to turn this into a for sale ad. Please PM me with details. Thanks man.