
So is "that" like to be worn full time?
It is the trial unit. If my pain level subsides, and my activity level increase then I will be scheduled for the permanent one. The permanent one uses a much smaller battery/controller. It is implanted under my skin. Past few weeks getting up from a seated position has been VERY painful. Much to my surprise, tonight not so much. I don't feel my regular pain right now, just where he was working on my back getting the electrodes in. He struggled quite a bit, he could see I had some lesions on the images they were using to guide the way. He said the lesions very well may have been caused by the epidurals I had.
I was told to expect my trial to last 7-10 days. Sasha, the Medtronic rep, will be calling me daily to see how I am doing. The length of my trial, as well as the final call on the permanent one, is up to her. I was told by one of the docs staff members that these trials always start on Thursdays. The ones that go well end on the following Monday, simply because the device is either going to work or it is not. I did volunteer to be involved in a case study for a different company that is "testing the waters" in regards to spinal cord stimulators. Not real sure I am going to thru with it just yet, kinda want to see how I feel after a couple of days of this thing.
Really wish they would have put this thing on my right side as I sleep on my left I am not expecting to get a whole lot of sleep over the next few days.