Stop in for a cup of coffee

I'd keep HR in the loop about what's going on but if theyre after you theirs really nothing you can do except make as much noise as you can and take a few of them with you.

I think that's the best way for me to go...

I don't believe in karma but maybe theirs something better for you down the road.

I think I can do better also... :popcorn:

I have tried to advance there, but always get passed over... The last time a guy with less seniority got the job... So since there is no chance for me to advance there now, it's time to get out... :icon_fU:

However I do believe in karma, in fact it should be my middle name... If you push me around, you will get what's coming to you, even if I have to give karma a "personal nudge"... :poke:

Sometimes karma takes care of things itself and I don't have to nudge it along... :D

I have just locked in my position in a CAD class here that is on 90% of the job postings that I have looked at... I am not trained in that software, so I enrolled in a class to learn it this semester... I got the last open slot and paid for the class this week.... I start next Friday... :popcorn: