Quick home electric question

I agree with EVERYTHING nm9stheham said, because I am one of those power company guys that people that don't have a clue what they're doing with a generator have tried to kill. The transformers hanging on a pole have a line with 7,200 volts feeding into it, and it takes that 7,200 volts and steps it down to the 120/240 volts that comes into your house from the pole. Guess what happens when you F up the connections of your generator? It takes that 120/240 volts that your generator puts out......feeds it right back thru the transformer backwards, and turns it into 7,200 volts! That creates the possibility of some young gung ho lineman that forgot to check for feedback and ground the line to get killed or maimed for life! PLEASE GET AN ELECTRICIAN TO HELP YOU. From reading your posts here, I believe you are a good person who would never hurt anyone intentionally...so get some help with it if you can.