SAD..Seasonal affective disorder.. how do you northern guys deal with it?

I always used to think this was just baloney lazy bullshit. I'm in central Wisconsin.. go to work in the dark, sit in a office with a small window up above my head I can't see out of. Leave in the dark. When I get home, I just want to eat, and go to bed. No ambition. Lots of thoughts during the day..and just no energy to do anything. In the summer, the wife has a hard time getting me to come in by 10 on a weekday, having fun doing stuff. It's almost 8:30 and I'm not in bed yet.. odd for me right now.
Just wondering if any of you get this way in the winter.. and what you do, if anything, to get motivated.
Garage ,Heater, work on something, come inside, bang wife **** style, go watch tv and have a beer...plan on moving from the east coast to the gulf or northern cal.
California is full, too many east coast retirees have FLOODED our state and now its non stop people everywhere, lost, staring, spending tons of cash on junk and leaving on the beach, parks, streets..and making our once relaxed, clean, bum free ,peaceful military town into a tourist mecca full of unfamiliar unfriendly Maine accented oddballs wearing moon tans oblivious to the atmosphere/vibe they ruin. Not trashing or meaning to trash, I just wish it was you guys, not moon tan minivan driving nutjobs crashing into you with a 3 lane last minute sweep to make a right...and who always end a convo with "yeah yeah...sure, of course, thank you very much. Always 4 to 5 an anxiousness to flee or get what they want and not all are that way....but those who are...boy do they make an odd impression on us.